CHROMA is collaborative piece I developed for Guggenheim Works & Process with Adrian Danchig-Waring and Joseph Gordon, Principal Dancers at NYC Ballet, filmmaker Kristin Sztyk, and choreographers Norbert De La Cruz III and Lar Lubovitch. I creating projected visuals and the visual design for this performance work.
We were granted residencies at Mount Tremper Arts, Kaatsbaan Cultural Park, Bridge Street Theater, and the Guggenheim Peter B Lewis Theater.
CHROMA is inspired by British filmmaker, painter, and activist Derek Jarman and his memoir Chroma. Chroma organizes Jarman’s life into color chapters as he was losing his eyesight to AIDS. We adapted these color worlds using movement, visual art, and sound. The visuals stem from a reconstruction of my painting process. Kristin Sztyk and I are filmed ink spills, splatters, and pours and animated them to create moving, immersive color.
We made a short film to share our process. Glitch was our working title.